Saurabh's Blog

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dear Deer

(One side of the Story)

It was cold in phoenix, at about 1:00 in the night five people set out. After a day of intense negotiations it was decided to go to Grand Canyon and take it from there ! Everyone was pretty optimistic of the whole trip. For some, it was their first look at the Grand Canyon or "the big KHADDA" as some called it. The passengers got into the car, the experienced of the five took the wheel and we were off !

It was pretty late in the night and the number of cars on the road dwindled as we swiftly moved out of the city. After a while thirst and hunger set in and it was decided to stop to stock up !!! The gas station was an ideal one with all the amenities, The driver-to-be felt pretty confident, given the time of night and having driven cars before, actually driven a lot in India. There weren't many cars on the road, it was a great time to be at the wheel. So the the budding driver took the reins of the car and the lives of four others in his hands. "don't jerk the wheel" the driver told himself, this had been the only issue when he had driven previously. The car felt smooth and responsive.

After a few moments two big trailers on the road !! The drivers first big test. "Patience", the driver noted. One of the trailers gave way and the the overtake was performed with finesse. Sweet ! Confidence was high for the next 3 and half hours ! As the route got onto the narrow road to the destination. Speeds reduced, Now there were trees on both sides and the road was single lane. Limit was 65 , going at 55 the driver was cruising.

Then................The road curved, a road sign showing a deer a big one with huge horns !!!Right in front of the sign three deers in the middle of the road, the driver braked , all three got of the way. The braking eased then suddenly one jumped in front of the car, maybe it wanted to be on the right side. The car bumped the deer !!

SHIT SHIT SHIT the driver said. A few of the passengers woke up. "drive on" the navigator said calmly. As the deer trotted away unhurt. All this happened in a flash. The driver eased on the brakes and sped up, As the car accelerated he noticed deer hair flying in the air from the front of the car, little quantities. "Focus" the driver said. Reaching the destination, all got of the car and saw it, a dent in front of the car. Great that we got full insurance one remarked.

The driver was relieved that all was fine but it was also certain that this will soon become a media circus ! Cause on the car was one of the best Tabliod writer on the planet ! The driver had bore the brunt of his penmenship and sharp wit , right from 5th Std( some would call child abuse) When his names were linked to many a girls in school, these names were stuck for a long time destroying any chance of a healthy relationship with them sob sob..... "He is a good friend" the driver remarked to himself and shot a glance at him, The writer was laughing hysterically and driver thought to himself I am screwed for life.

Later the driver would claim that subconciously Sita ( from Ramayana) asked him to GET THE DEER DAMIT IT !!! The driver would get slightly paranoid about informing the car company. The fears are alleviated now, what remains is a recollection of a missed heart beat and a crazy deer rushing before the car, ofcourse all this is slow motion, very very slow motion.

- Yours Truely
The Driver

(The other side of the story)

My name is Maareecha I am a deer, a big one with huge horns. Yes I know I share my name with a mythological figure in the Ramayana who turned into a beautiful deer, desired by Sita (wife of Ram of Ayodhya) !!!

Anyways it was a cold morning and I was wandering on the road with my friends. I am a big deer you know and I like to eat grass. I love blue grass music but enough about me. Now normally I would stay in the woods but We heard from out herd leader that there is a sign board that defines where we will be spotted. (yes, I can read, I studied at the Rangubai Junnare Forest school Its an Ivy league school for Deers and Reindeers).

Anyways, myself and my two friends (Talli and Manoj) went to check out the limits, cause I dont like restrictions! I was observing the sign and thinking about how to deface the thing with my spray paint can. when a car appeared out of no where. We got out of the way me and Talli were on the left and Manoj on the right. Suddenly I felt something and it struck me, I was on the left side but right was my best side. So I tried to go to ther other side. My judgement was not correct and the vehicle hit me, my skin brazed on the hood of the car, I looked at the car it looked like an arrow streaking out from the bow.

I strained to see inside the car, the driver was looking straight at me. Time stood still. Then I ricochet off the car. I was scared and I ran for cover. For the next few days I have been applying Zhandu Balm. Those rascals must be reckless drivers, I am trying to call all car rental
companies ( cant be their own car) I am going alphabetically. It may be a while cause Talli and Manoj did not write down the car plate number.

Anyways I visited a Psychiartrist and am planning to change my name soon.

Yours Grassy
Deer ( the big one)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Jevachi Tempe

I am back from an amazing 5 days in Tempe !!!!!!!!

Abhay was a very good host so were his friends ( who were suprirsingly nice to me, why ????) .

Went to Grand Canyon and Sedona, besides goofing around Tempe. If I were Japanese my clansmen would be proud of me,

I had a great time.
There are a few very interesting stories which I have started to pen down involving oversized deers, cars and fuel ( dont get any ideas) .

BTW Abhya looked much better than when I met him India. Same weight and all but he looked perky and bright, the Abhay we are all used to !


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine Yeeti Ghara ........

Today I did .................. NOTHING. February the 14th could have been just another day but some St Valentine or may be the greeting card companies have decided that its Valentine Day !!!! So Valentinechya Hardik Subhecha !!!

Surprisingly I have never had a memorable Valentines Day. There have been days when I hoped and I hoped but hoped like never before.
Maybe it would have been better if I had DONE something !!! While hindsight is 20-20 foresight is myopic ! So today I saw some sexy babes and I said to myself "Happy Valentine Day sucker"

There are a couple of friends who have their birthdays today. Rupesh and Mario Happy Birthday !!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Aila Govinda

I heard that barely 50 people showed up at the opening of Dev Anand's film "Mr. Prime Minister".Undeterred he started working on his next movie "Beauty Queen". Surprisingly Dev Saab hasnt had ANY hits for the past ...aaahhhh almost eternity now !Maybe he gets pleasure out of making the movie or is there a more sinister motive ? Wink Wink !

Anyways I saw the movie 15 Park Aveneue . Amazing acting but the ending sucks. They have tried to be different but many filmmakers will end up being completely uninteresting and frustrating in their attempt to keep the movie special and DIFFERENT !!! Its a very thin line !

I also saw Rang De Basanti, which I think is by far the best movie I have seen for a long time now ! A must see ! Now in my endevaour to write about my friends I have realized that ist not so simple, Its gonna be sometime to come up with the series of posts I had planned earlier !

Also I know there is somebody out there who calls him/her self "DOCTOR", stop sending me emails asking me to buy Viagra and Cialis !I dont need them !!! SO STOP EMAILING ME ! And yes for the rest " No size increase is required" and I am not interested in any purely
herbal remedies !


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Congrats to the new mom

A good News !

My high school classmate, Chaitali gave birth to a baby girl on the 14th of January !
The mother and baby are both doing well !

Congrats to the proud parents !


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Back in Blue

Well Well Well I know I have let the regular readers down ( well assuming there are regular readers, heck assuming there are ANY readers)

Well heres story worth mentioning
There was some confusion on the very first day of my work, somebody elses mistake !
But hey I was pissed off ! Anyways things got sorted out and I started in 2 days ie 21st Jan !

I saw a french movie this week ( it was free at UT ) ,
I wasnt surrounded by more french people than the time I spent at Charles De Gaulle Paris airport. Now did I mention there were subtitles to the movie? It was a different movie about a kid in class ( maybe 9th grade) who falls for a girl in his class what a cliched story ..........but he is very very shy but once manages to ask the girl to go out with him. The whole movie goes by with the guy wanting to know the answer and the girl asking for more "TIME TO THINK" AAhhhh the traditional way to hold someone emotionally hostage .... Anyways it had a very good end and was pretty funny at times. Also it was a very low finance production but worthwhile, Roughly translated its title was " A game of love and chance"

Also met a French bloke ( friend's friend) anyways he makes shoes. Not just any ones customized ones starting from $3000 !!! yes sire bob !!! But don't worry the exlusive firm is not taking any new customers any more.

As a new blog venture I have decided to write about my friends, one person per post , no blood relatives. Just people whom I met by chance. I want to see what I can remember about them !


Friday, February 03, 2006

Surge of Work

The first surge of work has struck. Now I am no longer an intern ! As full time employee much more is expected. Importance of effective communication have become clear to me ! Hopefully should be done this weekend.