Saurabh's Blog

Saturday, June 11, 2005


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IT Support (with a vengeance)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Myself Vs IT : The Conspiracy theory

I am convinced , IT-support HATES me. This is my second stint as an intern and I have experienced the same.

At my first internship : I was under close surveillance for using the group laptop for working on-site. It took my mentor some time to explain that it was in fact some REAL work and I could be trusted !

Now my present one ( where my manager and mentor , both are very pragmatic and professional !) Also let me clarify ( ALL employees have laptops) Now the rule set down ( by some IT guy) is that INTERNS CANT HAVE LAPTOPS !!!!!

When asked the IT manager gave a cold shoulder saying "interns cant have laptops ". I explained I needed it to work ! No response !!! Even for regular desktop support I am talked to as if I am returning something I stole !!!

A few days back a new intern asked for my help for setting up his workplace as I enter his cube, I am struck by what is a freaking new laptop !!!! So then why the discrepancy ????Then at a lunch with new interns I found out that all new interns have a freaking NEW LAPTOP !!!!!

When contacted the IT Manager said "INTERNS CAN'T HAVE LAPTOPS !!!"

Its like a movie house where the usher lets in some people while he asks you " What Movie? There is no movie !!" ( sorry cant think of any good analogy)

I can't help but believe there is some deep conspiracy, and its freaking working !!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Beauty and The Beast

NOTE : Before you read this ( assuming someone is reading this )

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder .Beautiful for me may not be so for you ( and vice versa)A short story : I was talking with a friend about a common friends' surprise marriage and he blurted out "Well she is so Ugly !!" . I wanted to say " Not for him and BTW you aren't Adonis either" , I let that urge go by unsatisfied !

I love Aishwarya Rai , She is beautiful and talented ! Now some people don't like her which normally would evoke a "what how cant you like her ??" response from her fans but I'd say "What the heck! Who cares and One less"

Not that I or (since you are reading it ) you, have a chance with her yet it feels good there's one less.I don't know why but whenever I see a good picture of ash on the internet I save it. Maybe I have this deep desire that one day I will have the biggest collection and ......Anyways So when a guy sees her on a film poster he regains consciousness only when he gets out of the theater ! And then he is just another chump 3 and half hours late and lighter by 80 rupees !!!

The Beast
Always in serials and movies, some guy with gorgeous wife will go and get his foot in shit by having an affair with some punk !!!! Well, show something that is believable ! Like maybe a wife that makes the husband sleep in the car (alone) or abuses the husband !!!

Also I feel really bad when a beautiful woman is killed in a movie or TV serial . Why kill a good looking dame ? I cant understand ! They are the reason people ( well atleast me ) are watching !! Everytime such a crime is committed I think to myself " what a waste" One less soul to soothe the eyes , one less body to keep the hopes of many guys around her up in the sky ... who misinterpreted her behavior to be willing gestures of interest !!!