Saurabh's Blog

Monday, March 27, 2006

Saurabh's Law

Saurabh's Law

To Prove that: To quantitatively prove Saurabh's law which states that the number of girls that Saurabh is friends with has gone down to a value approaching half the number of the girls previously friends with at each educational step since high school.


Definition of terms:
Saurabh : If you are reading this you know the bugger.
girl : Someone who is not a boy.
Friends with : someone who talks to you, acknowledges you, is aware of you as an individual, may or may not have any ulterior motive. (does not include female relatives, anyone who is forced to talk to you and pretend to know you, Does not include that hot chick you saw
once that smiled once at you me (atleast I thought she was smiling at me or was she smiling at someone behind me)

Main Proof:

Saurabh was a relatively well known kid at school second only to Abhay and Ajay ( the blue eyed boys of school). Saurabh's impression in school was that was of some "dude", not clever but likeable, only time would reveal that his best chance with the fairer sex was in school ( when people were less informed about other options). Nonetheless He knew a lot of girls and a lot of girls knew him , Division A B C and D all the junior and seniors close to 80 girls !! Then came 11th and 12th, now he was having fun but peer pressure and all those classes, still he knew some girls who were still around from school, some new ones, well about 42. The he was in COEP , note that the 30% quota was not implemented.

His first year was in Production Engg where there was one girl who used to look and talk like a guy. Then he was surrounded by some geeky girls in Electrical Engg , now the figure was about 21. Then United States of America , studying in a town where singles rule ..... but again extremely geeky girls and he was down to 8. Now he has a job, counting one or two at work and a friend's friend in Arizona he knows 4 girls.

To summarize
High School : 80
Junior College: 42
Engg College: 21
Masters: 8
Today: 4

Factor is approaching two ( half of four and twice of one)

Hence proved Saurabh's law that the number of girls that Saurabh is friends with has gone down to a value approaching half the number of the girls previously friends with at each educational step since high school.