Saurabh's Blog

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Message

When we are independent we rarely realize the importance of little things we are capable of doing. Recently I met my nephew, barely a few months old and have enjoyed playing with him. Meanwhile I have tended to my grandmother who is battling complications from old age.

Both are heavily dependent on others. Both need complete care.
Not the beginning or the end , its the intermediate journey that counts
The message to take home is to live this time in the middle to the maximum.

Come to think of it we spent too much time in petty things. Replying to acrid emails, thinking of answers to taunts etc etc . There are too many better things to do.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

National Champions

In what is the first good news of the new year, The University Of Texas at Austin ( my school) won against The University of Southern California in the National Football Championship. We are now offically the number 1 college team in the US, wohoooooooooo !

An exceptional perfomance from the entire team. I couldn't watch the game as I am in India but I need to watch the whole thing when I get back !!


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year

My focus this year:
Being a better person
Work to best of my ability

Looking forward to a year of regular Blogging, better contact with friends, persuing hobbies/interests and getting into shape :)
