Saurabh's Blog

Sunday, April 03, 2005


The gift
I have a gift !I can gain weight in the most unbelievable circumstances !

People lose weight when they stay in a hostel,have to make food for themselves. Beleve me I have been there done that and have anything but lost weight.
I think thats a gift. yes you can put me in a desert for a month and I will be heavier than before !
My only hope is that it works the other way round, like when a restaurant startes giving me free food normal people might gain weight but not me.
Now thats unlikely to happen, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.
The Symphony
I went to the symphony the other day. I have never paid so much money to hear music and watch a man move his arms.

So what does the conductor do ?
I have a feeling he is an angry man. The musicians look scared too. They know they are going to get a poke or a wack from that stick if they play anything wrong.

And why do people dress up for ocassion. They are not playing ! Never gonna be on the stage ! then why ?For once I would like to see people in jeans and t shirts at that place. Not in tight tuxedos from their wedding.