Saurabh's Blog

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Katha Eka Ravivar Sandhyakalche

Patra Parichay:
SP: Saurabh Pradhan
AP: Abhay Paranjape
SA: Sudeep Achalia
DW: Dushyant Wadhivkar
ND: Nikhil Dixit
NP: Nikhil Patil
RG: Rupesh Ghyar
AK: Anish Karandikar + ( AE- Alter Ego)
PA: Pravin Alhat (he is always at home)

Time 4:00 pm E block 201
SP : Aree about dinner ?, I met DW and he is going out with some bitch wont be joining us mostly, we still have to call him though, and about that other thing.....
SA: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(comfortably sleeping on the bed)
SP: (to himself) why the heck am I talking to myself ?

Meanwhile at D Block 208
AP: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (comfortably sleeping on the bed)
RG: zzz....zz....z....zzzz..zzz (uncomfortably dozing in a weird position on a chair, trying to study)
ND: zzzzzzzzzzz(chapati)zzzzzzzzzzz(more chapati)zzzzzzzzz

6:00 pm Some unknown location
AK: Uh.... where am I ? What day is it ?

6:00 pm D-208
rrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg (alarm originally for morning 6am goes off )
RG: wh..wha...what.... SHit I think I slept
ND: Ok today for dinner we are going to a place where there are unlimited chapatis !
RG: Theres no other place like that except for the mess
AP: hmmmm ... hey no doubt how the name MESS came around, bet there wasnt any other word came up that describes it so aptlt. look Patil is here , you comming for food tonight?

NP: Aree Bhadkhau, Makadya, chamnya ! No thanks I have plans
ND: really with whom ?
NP: aahhhh.......I told you I have plans... ahhhh .. gotta go
RG: Scyho !!!
ND: Hey you spelled it wrong
RG: yeah yeah yeah.. so abhay about that problem on page 45.....
AP: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

6:15 E 201
SP: These days the gates close early so we need to start early if we want to take the bikes
SA: Tension nahi leneka we will park it somewhere and climb over
SP: but what if the bikes are stolen and we are caught !SA: Naahi re , BTW Aaj nothing doing I am going to MAMAS Place I want to eat MEAT TODAY COME WHAT MAY !!!! Nothing Doing !!!!
SP: Chal Chal Lavkar Avar !

RG: (shouts) Abeee Achalia !!!
SA: (shouts back) We are comming !
SP: did you mean we are cumming ?
giggle giggle giggle

6:30 pm Some unknown location
AK: Uh.... where am I ?
AK(alter ego): Its Sunday evening you lazy bum , wake up !
AK: Huh?
AK(AE): Ok you can go out for dinner with the nashik guys and be just in time for drinks with sawai, But where are we ?

6:30 D-208
SP: We are all gathered here to decide on a place to eat ? where is Abhay ?
RG: just woke up, getting ready !
SA: We are going to mamas baas nothing doing ! I am a carnivour and I need meat !ND: well they give just 4 chappatis

7:00 passage in front of D-208 , site of paralle discussions

ND: Abee that Achaila always wants to go to Mamas
RG: Why do we need dinner ?
ND: Think of some other placeRG: I wont be having dinner
ND: Oh now you tell me, you are like india in the UN , you want a permanant seat but wont vote for anyone !

Meanwhile inside D-208
SP: Abhya- Jaaga aahes ki zhala tuzha Asgar !!
AP: oh Chimpu
SA: We are not going to Burger king (BK) for sure
AP: We went there for the last 5 weekends !
AP: hmm what about the Asha Dining hall , gharguti jeevan
SA: I am not being clear ..... I need MEAT M-E-A-T !!!!! DOnt make me eat you !!
AP: Sautya ek leg piece de na !
SP: hahahahah hey BTW I have decided to marry a chinki and then open a stall that will be fun, you will come home and then I will shout "ek chicken Manchurian and don Maramari"ok show time call that interracial couple rupya and ND come in .. show chalu hoot aahe

8:00 The AK location somewhere
AK: Ah I must wake up !
AK(AE): Yes dont miss dinner and drinks that would be criminal !
AK: Does that kinetic work?
AK(AE): Cmon you just got it done yesterday.
AK: Petrol
AK(AE) : Thats a whole different thing you are talking about
AK: Wait a minute didnt you bang it yesterday
AK(AE) : Jo no habla Englisho !

SP: Ok thats it show over !
AP: Hey What about AK?
RG: mahit naahi re I guess he is at atya's place or something
ND: I will try to keep a message with someone
ND: So yeah we are going to the chinese stall right
AP: Its so unhygenic we dont even know what they use
SA: Mamas and thats it
RG: But you went there on saturday ??
SA: How dare you question me , SHUT UP !!!!
RG: b...bu....bu....but.....okokok
NP: hey hey hey I am not going out with my imaginary friends so I will be joining you
AP: Who the hell invited you ... I mean you dont need to be invited .
RG: I would like to speak , lets go that stall right outside the hostel gates, I heard they use water instead of oil and its very filling
SP: yeah cause your stomach gets so bad you dont need to eat for a weekND: Ok Settle down I am sure we can find a solution
after a long long time::
SA: what about a new place ?
AP: yeah theres is new place i heard about in CAMP XYZ lets go there
RG: Do you need to pay there ?
SP: Ok sounds good
ND: Yeah I could survive SA: (in his mind) heheheh yeah I know that place its got great tandoori !!
NP: Chalo lets go (in his mind) What is Jaggu doing ?

DW: Hey wait ! I am almost hungry !
SP: we are going to this new joint XYZ
SA: yeah heard thats an awesome place
RG: but...
DW: No
AP: abee we spent a lot of time debating this WE ARE GOING !
DW: hmmmmm .... NO
for(i=0;i<10;i++){someone: let go this place x[i];DW: NO }

for(i=0;i<10;i++){DW: let go this place y[i];The rest: NO }

9:30 AK residence (where ?)
AK: I am sure those guys are arguing about where to go
AK(AE) : We dont care do we ?

9:44 AK Home
AK: Shit ! I am in Nashik
AK(AE): Its Sunday where do you expect to be ?
AK: Why didnt you tell me before ?
AK(AE): Just messing with ya !

9:45 pm
SP: Its going to be very late by the time we get back from anywhere so lets just go !
ND: Lets just go I need food
AP: yeah forget it lets just go
SP: You know what place remains
All: BURGER KING it is!
SA: weekend #6 here we come
AP: ok I am booking place on Saurabh's Kinetic
SA: oh shit we are 7 people and 5 bikes so I wont take my bike
DW: hey I just rode for an hour I am not taking my bike
All : Here we go ....
followed by The most dreaded thing after the dinner debate ..... who-gets-not-to-take-his-bike debate............

So here ends the Katha eka Ravivar Sandhyakal che.
Did I mention ,though this is based on a true story and all the characters are still good friends . Now although this story sounds somewhat bitter- sweet, given a choice not one guy would mind reliving the whole thing .. every single Sunday!