Saurabh's Blog

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

(This is the first post in the series of posts based on my winter break in New Jersey)

There’s only one word to describe the Metropolitan Museum "AMAZING"

Founded in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum is located in New York City's Central Park along Fifth Avenue (from 80th to 84th Streets). Last year it was visited by more than 5 million people spanning over 2 million square feet. It houses more than 2 million permanent displays as late as 300,000–75,000 B.C. It is such a prestigious institution that there’s a very long waiting list for being a volunteer (someone ready to work free of charge !!!!!)

The most heinous crime that one can make when going to the MET is not planning what to see within the museum !
Thanks to Sonali (my sister-in-law) we did not make that mistake, she planned out the day and we decided to focus on European Paintings, Egyptian exhibits ,Museum of Modern Art, European sculptures anything above that would be bonus.

After starting at 10:00am and stopping out at 5:30 a total time of over 7 hours! And let me tell you I am sure one will need atleast 3 full days to see all the permanent exhibits let alone the visiting exhibits.

I am going try to keep in short as I can just go on and on about the museum.

Now to the exhibits, Starting with the paintings it is just a great feeling to see original creations of the likes of Monet, Manet, Cézanne, Vermeer, Renoir and van Gogh amongst other elite artists. There it is ! The best work on planet by some of the best artists , masterpieces right in front of your eyes. WOW !!!

One painting I should mention was Still Life with Flowers and Fruit, 1866 theéodore Latour It was so real life that the objects and knife seem so very real !!!

This section also had short descriptions with each painting, it was very informative and crisp !

This kind of information was lacking in the modern art section and hear this there were a couple of paintings which absolutely nothing on it !!!!!! No even a dot just painted of one color !

Now what's great about that ??
Seriously I just don't get it !
But most other exhibits in the modern art section were very nice even though I am not sure I understood the theme and / or the title in most cases !!!!

In this section exhibits were not just paintings but sometimes series of pictures and objects.

Then there was the Milton Petrie European Sculpture Court, it was awesome, the most striking one according to me was Ugolino and his Sons by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux .(thanks to Mandar for noting the name down) It's about a tailor who was banished to an island with his sons and they were forced to starvation. At this point the tailors sons offered themselves as food !!!!!
The anguish on the face of the father and the different expressions of the sons well depicted and you can't help but keep looking at the sculpture for a long time just trying to figure out the nuances.

The Greek and Roman section was also good.

Now the Egyptian section:
WOW ! This was a huge section ! The exhibits included small items of use to an entire tomb ! and a BIG TEMPLE !!!!!!!! The Temple of Dendur, ca. 15 B.C.E.

They have actually transported and recreated entire buildings in the museum !!!!
words cant be enough to describe this section. There are statues, caskets and a lot of stuff giving a picture of ancient Egypt ! Its a peek at Egypt.

Touching a sarcophagus or walking through the Temple of Dendur makes a chill run down your spine. It’s like for a moment you are touching something so old with so much history.
That inanimate object has seen so many years of time, so much history associated with it!
It’s a whole different feeling.

A note about the Asian section
It was dominated by art associated with Buddha. There were some Ganpati's but one great exhibit was a very intricately carved roof of a Rajasthan temple!
We also had a quick tour through the Chinese and Japanese section, the musical instruments section and the arms section.

The day was concluded with a great dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant on 46th Street !

Summing up I would say the museum is a MUST SEE!!! and I must thank Mandar and Sonali for making sure that was realized.

it helps if you are a student you get the ticket for less than half of the normal admission cost.

You can also see the following website for all of the photos

I have compiled a small selection of exhibits on the MET website please go to

Key in
username: spp59
password: saurabh

For each exhibit please don’t click on "remove" but do click on any exhibit if you want some more information on it.

The metropolitan Museum :
A glimpse of history it offers is stimulation for the mind.
The passage of time depicted makes one ponder over the expanse of the universe of art and the life people once lived.

And one last thing worth mentioning the pleasure of seeing a museum with "ART" himself (my dear little nephew Art).

Comments ?


(My next post will be based on my stay in NJ and visits to New York )